

H3C EPON网络典型配置









[S7510E_01]dis cu


 sysname S7510E_01


acl number 3100                 //定义ACL允许组播数据源端口为2002的,拒绝其它

 rule 1 permit udp source-port eq 2002

 rule 5 deny udp


igmp-snooping                   //全局启用igmp-snooping,并在vlan3使能组播策略

 group-policy 3100 vlan 3


vlan 3                        //在vlan 3内使能igmp-snooping、查询器、丢弃未知组播

 igmp-snooping enable

 igmp-snooping drop-unknown

 igmp-snooping querier

 igmp-snooping general-query source-ip

 igmp-snooping special-query source-ip


vlan 4

 igmp-snooping enable


vlan 40

 igmp-snooping enable    


Ftth                   // # 将组播IP地址234.0.0.2加入到组播VLAN 40中。

 multicast vlan-id 40 dest-ip to        


interface Vlan-interface3

 ip address


interface Vlan-interface4

 ip address


interface GigabitEthernet7/0/23

 port link-mode bridge

 port access vlan 3


interface Olt0/0/1

 using onu 1 to 40                      //创建onu接口

 sme enable                           //开启同一olt接口下不用onu互通

 port link-type hybrid

 port hybrid vlan 1 to 10 40 tagged       //配置为hybrid端口允许相应vlan带标记


interface Olt0/0/2

 using onu 1 to 40

 sme enable

 port link-type hybrid

 port hybrid vlan 1 to 10 40 tagged


interface Onu0/0/1:1

bind onuid c4ca-d9b6-112a                //绑定onu的MAC

 upstream-sla maximum-bandwidth 1600     //设置onu上行带宽100M默认是23M       

 uni 1 vlan-mode tag pvid 9                 //设置uni接口的默认pvid

 uni 2 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 3 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 4 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 5 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 6 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 7 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 8 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 9 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 10 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 11 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 12 multicast vlan 40                  //配置下行组播

 uni 12 multicast-strip-tag enable

 uni 12 vlan-mode tag pvid 4

 uni 13 multicast vlan 40

 uni 13 multicast-strip-tag enable

 uni 13 vlan-mode tag pvid 4

 uni 14 vlan-mode tag pvid 7

 uni 15 vlan-mode tag pvid 7

 uni 16 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 17 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 18 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 19 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 20 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 21 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 22 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 23 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 24 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 port link-type trunk


interface Onu0/0/1:2

 bind onuid c4ca-d9b6-1177

 upstream-sla maximum-bandwidth 1600

 uni 1 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 2 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 3 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 4 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 5 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 6 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 7 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 8 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 9 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 10 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 11 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 12 multicast vlan 40

 uni 12 multicast-strip-tag enable

 uni 12 vlan-mode tag pvid 4

 uni 13 multicast vlan 40

 uni 13 multicast-strip-tag enable

 uni 13 vlan-mode tag pvid 4

 uni 14 vlan-mode tag pvid 7

 uni 15 vlan-mode tag pvid 7

 uni 16 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 17 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 18 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 19 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 20 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 21 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 22 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 23 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 24 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 onu-event trap enable level warnings

 port link-type trunk


interface Onu0/0/2:2

 bind onuid c4ca-d9b6-1130

 upstream-sla maximum-bandwidth 1600

 uni 1 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 2 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 3 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 4 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 5 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 6 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 7 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 8 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 9 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 10 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 11 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 12 multicast vlan 40

 uni 12 multicast-strip-tag enable

 uni 12 vlan-mode tag pvid 4

 uni 13 multicast vlan 40

 uni 13 multicast-strip-tag enable

 uni 13 vlan-mode tag pvid 4

 uni 14 vlan-mode tag pvid 7

 uni 15 vlan-mode tag pvid 7

 uni 16 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 17 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 18 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 19 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 20 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 21 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 22 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 23 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 24 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 port link-type trunk


interface Onu0/0/2:3

 bind onuid c4ca-d9b6-1170

 upstream-sla maximum-bandwidth 1600

 uni 1 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 2 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 3 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 4 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 5 vlan-mode tag pvid 9

 uni 6 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 7 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 8 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 9 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 10 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 11 vlan-mode tag pvid 3

 uni 12 multicast vlan 40

 uni 12 multicast-strip-tag enable

 uni 12 vlan-mode tag pvid 4

 uni 13 multicast vlan 40

 uni 13 multicast-strip-tag enable

 uni 13 vlan-mode tag pvid 4

 uni 14 vlan-mode tag pvid 7

 uni 15 vlan-mode tag pvid 7

 uni 16 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 17 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 18 vlan-mode tag pvid 5

 uni 19 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 20 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 21 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 22 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 23 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 uni 24 vlan-mode tag pvid 6

 port link-type trunk



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